The word “outlaw”—outside of the law—implicitly articulates the intimate relationship between geography and the law. From the perspective of state-makers and capitalists, the groups of outlaws I’m collectively labeling “Motley Crews” (as a shorthand) pose a grave ideological and spatial threat to the normative relations between bourgeois philosophies of law, sovereignty, and the state (cf. Spatiality & Power). Poachers, commoners, pirates, bandits are all Motley Crews. Leaving aside the more complicated cases of rebel insurgents and mafia, Motley Crews’ transgressions against property could be classified as “social crimes” (Hay et al. 1975; Hobsbawm 1959). What’s more, they enact the critique that Marxists have long made against the alloyed ideologies of law, property, and state. In reporting on legislation against thefts of wood, Marx explained that the criminal nature of the theft was not in its attack against wood as a sensuous object, “but in the attack on the wood as part of the state system, an attack on the right to property as such” (1842). Drawing from a more consciously and politically assertive example, Rediker similarly explains that 18th Century pirate societies were wedded by a “legal philosophy that was not … an imitation of ‘the legal government’ but rather a critique of it” (2004:42). Continue reading
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