Interweb Motley #1

Inaugurating a new weekly installment of worthy links from around the Internet is this week’s “Interweb Motley.”

Benjamin Kunkel reviews Paper Promises by Philip Coggan and Debt by David Graeber for the London Review of Books. (Kunkel, a rising Marxist “rapporteur” of my generation, has also reviewed Harvey and Jameson for LRB.)

Petro-expert Michael Klare is on freaking the shit out of us with his analysis on all the global energy conflicts we have to look forward to.

Limn, an amazing experimental scholarly magazine co-edited by my former prof at The New School, has a new issue out on Crowds and Clouds. (Gabriella Coleman has a great piece on Anonymous.)

New York Times had a darling, colorful piece on Rwanda’s newest sport, Moto-Polo. But then you read the article and see the pictures, and it’s mostly a bunch of drunk white dudes being driven around on motorcycles by Rwandan guys.

Finally, the Guardian comes through with a tantalizing article on how Arab revolutionary art helped break the spell of political oppression. As the video below from Tunis shows, revolutionary art still has a vital role to play once the plazas grow emptier. (h/t, Kevin M. DeJesus)

[youtube_sc url=””]

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