Friday Fun: Geoguessr

Screen shot 2013-05-10 at 3.48.46 PMThis game is just too fun and addictive (in a nerdy way) to not deserve a post. But first, how many of you geographers have been through something like this:

“Oh, you’re a geographer. [PAUSE] Wow.”
“They still have that?”
“So do you know all the state capitals?”
“You must have a really good sense of direction.”

Fear not, my fellow geographers… Now you can really show off your geographic badassness by trying your luck at GeoGuessr, an online game in which you’re virtually plopped into a random spot in the street-view world of google maps and you’re supposed to guess where in the world you are. You get to poke around a little. The closer to the actual spot, the higher your score. And it shows you how far off the mark your guesses are. You get five “plops” per game.

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