Interweb Motley # 20

98eaf05c1dd22d0eaf7611c076859597_vice_630x420Happy May Day! Peter Linebaugh has the most “Incomplete, True, Authentic, and Wonderful History of May Day.”

Confessions of a Troll…” about power on the Internets or as a friend put it: the Master-Slave Dialectic in the Age of Digital Reproduction.

Also about Internets: Stuart Elden pointed me to a piece on how a lone hacker gave us the most complete map of the Internet ever made (see above). S/he mentions wanting to work on an “Internet scale.”

Having a bad day? Would it help if I put it in (temporal) context for you?

Interesting review by Trevor Paglen of Laura Kurgan’s Close Up at a Distance: Mapping, Technology, and Politics.

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