Interweb Motley # 17

9781844679522_Poorer_nationsMy friend Vijay Prashad’s new book is out with Verso. The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South, which examines the prospects of a global power shift from north to south, is a sequel to The Darker Nations, which is an intellectual history of the Third World. I love the stencil motif for the cover of the new book.

Gabriella Coleman has been my go-to academic for satisfying my hobby-obsession with Anonymous. Her new book, Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking, is now out with Princeton University Press. And guess what? It’s appropriately licensed under Creative Commons with a PDF available for free download.

The anthro-sphere is again aflame over the Napoleon Chagnon controversy. Chagnon just published an autobiographical new book and was admitted to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS), sparking adamant objections. Survival International has a good rundown of the controversy, plus links, including (OMG!) opinions from actual Yanomami.

An incredible photo essay in The Atlantic on the DIY weaponry of the Syrian resistance, including a machine gun-mounted armored vehicle fired with a Sony PlayStation controller.

The Center for Land Use Interpretation has a gamut of visually rich projects likely to get anyone’s geographic juices flowing.

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